New article by Sonia Bertolini and Valentina Goglio on job uncertainty and leaving the parental home in Italy

New article by Sonia Bertolini and Valentina Goglio on job uncertainty and leaving the parental home in ItalyPhoto by Resi Kling on Unsplash

Sonia Bertolini and Valentina Goglio, both from University of Turin, have recently published a new article based on work done in the frames of EXCEPT Project. The article titled „Job Uncertainty and Leaving the Parental Home in Italy. Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Labour Market Insecurity on the Propensity to Leave the Parental Household among Youth” was published in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.

The paper analyses to what extent, the labour market situation of young Italians affects their chances of exiting the parental home, differentiating between leaving parental home with or without a partner. The paper also considers whether contextual factors, such as the occurrence of the economic crisis, and family-related characteristics might play a moderating role. The main focus is to understand if new modes of becoming adult are emerging in a country in which leaving home occurs relatively late and where family ties are at the same time a source of protection and a source of reproduction of inequalities.

The analyses presented in the article highlights a negative association between exclusion from the labour market and housing autonomy, robust and consistent across gender and across types of transition. On the contrary, a situation of objective job insecurity does not emerge as being associated to lower chances of housing autonomy, compared to individuals with job stability. Moreover, the educational background of the family of origin does not show any mediating role on the relative disadvantage of unemployed and inactive individuals; while the relative disadvantage of inactive individuals tends to further worsen in the period after the economic crisis (2010-14).

The paper is available through open access here.

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