WP 11 is out!



EXCEPT project’s 11th working paper, discussing the issue of how the experiences of unemployment and unstable employment affect the decision to move out of the parental home is now available on project’s web page.

The working paper includes results from studies from Italy, the UK, Poland, Estonia and Germany, all addressing the issue using longitudinal research design. The studies aim at capturing peculiarities of the local labour market and societal conditions and provide interesting insights on the process of leaving parental home across Europe.

The country studies show different outcomes of labour market insecurity. In the UK both unemployment and unstable employment make it less likely for youth to move out of parental home, in Italy and Poland only the unemployed tend to stay with parents longer. In the case of Estonia and Germany the effect of unemployment and temporary employment on the transition probability out of parental home is very limited or non-existent. For detailed analysis see Working Paper No 11.

In EXCEPT project the issues of autonomy are addressed using qualitative methods. The comparative report on the consequences of labour market insecurity, which can be expected in the coming months, will analyse the question of autonomy from the perspective of youth across Europe.

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