Youth Stories
Three stories of young people experiencing labour market insecurity emphasise how different the nature of insecurity can be.
Jevgeni is a 28-year old man from the capital of Estonia, Tallinn. His family lost their apartment due to an unsuccessful real estate transaction. After finishing basic school, Jevgeni wanted to continue his education however, his family were asked to leave apartment. Jevgeni, who was only 15 at the time, was not welcome at his mothers’ home anymore.
Reena is a 27-year old woman from a small city in the South of Estonia. She has obtained her education without interruptions and has a Master’s degree in natural science. Reena’s longest work experience is related to writing her Master’s Thesis, when she joined the study group of a large science project. Her employment contract lasted until the end of the project. When the contract ended, Reena could not find a job. During the job search, Reena discovered that employers regard her as being over-qualified.
Video of EXCEPT final conference
Video produced by Declan Austen
"Youth Unemployment: Addressing Long-Term Effects on Health and Wellbeing" lecture by Olena Nizalova based on EXCEPT
EXCEPT Parliamentary Reception at the House of Commons of the UK
This video was produced by 15 year old Daisy Lord from Kent, UK
Young People Talk About the Problems Raised by the EXCEPT project.
During the ‘Rant Box’ event, the UK project team asked youth to share their thoughts and feelings around unemployment and job-seeking, as well as what becoming an adult means to their, their future aspirations and fears.
What is the problem with youth pensions?
EXCEPT team from Duisburg-Essen University, Germany created a video explaining, why nowadays young people from various backgrounds may face higher risks of poverty regarding old age provision. More information on long long-term socio-economic consequences of insecure labour market positions can be found in EXCEPT Working Paper No. 16
Workshop „Youth, Arts and Creative Professions” (Turin, Italy 18.10.2018)
Autonomy in Italy (in Italian)
The coordinator of the EXCEPT project, Marge Unt, participated as one of the experts in the first episode of the new programme "Everybody's right" on the biggest public TV channel in Estonia - ETV.
The programme discusses human rights and the first episode was dedicated to the right to dignified life: what the right to dignified life means and is it guaranteed for people in difficult circumstances, for example, the unemployed.
Sonia Bertolini from EXCEPT Italian team (University of Turin) participated as an expert in a news programme on the Italian public TV channel RAI3.
Sonia presented the first results of the qualitative part of EXCEPT project with particular regard to the Italian case.
EXCEPT Panel Discussion
Youth in the Focus: impact of labour market exclusion and job insecurity on later life outcomes
Day 2, Panel discussion 5 at the conference “People matter: Quality of life and Population Wellbeing in Post-Transition Economies. Kyiv, September 15th, 2017
SISEC TALKS 2017. Steeplechase, life and work (in Italian)
In October 2017, Sonia Bertolini, Valentina Moiso and Rosy Musumeci from the Italian team presented EXCEPT findings during TedTalks organized by SISEC (the Italian Society of Economic Sociology) on occasion of the ‘Week of Sociology’. The presentation was based on the qualitative interviews with youth. The event took place at the theatre Espace of Turin.
“Is Youth Nowadays Worse Than Before?”
„Ask a Researcher?“ project
In the 1-minute video clip, Lianne Teder, a lecturer at the School of Educational Sciences in Tallinn University, talks about two groups of youth: the ones who are active and involved in informal education and those who have trouble with complying the norms of society.